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Free Courses to Learn Coding, Web Dev, and Graphic Design

Coding, web development, graphic design, these skills are white-hot nowadays, but getting professionally trained up usually costs a pretty penny. Luckily for us humble self-starters, the online learning revolution has made it possible to level up our tech and creative games without going broke.

Thanks to generous institutions and industry pros sharing their knowledge online, you can now access high-quality courses teaching everything from Python to Photoshop often at zero cost. That’s right, no more selling a kidney to afford those crazy expensive bootcamps, hehe.

In this guide I’ll hook you up with the best free courses to start your learning into coding, pro-level web wizardry, and eye-catching graphic design mastery.

Start Learning Coding

Being able to code is like having a superpower nowadays. With programming skills, you can bring epic apps, games, websites pretty much any crazy idea to life through the language of computers.

Harvard’s Legendary CS50 on edX

When an Ivy League titan like Harvard decides to make one of their intro computer science courses 100% free on edX, you’d better believe it’s worth checking out. CS50 covers all the coding fundamentals through engaging video lectures and hands-on coding problems, culminating in a epic final project. Fair warning this course is intense but incredibly rewarding.

freeCodeCamp Curriculum

This non-profit is truly on a mission to make coding education radically accessible to every human on Planet Earth. freeCodeCamp’s comprehensive full-stack curriculum takes you from total newbie to certified, job-ready developer through hundreds of interactive lessons and real-world projects. And yes, it’s entirely free no strings attached.

MIT OpenCourseWare

When one of the world’s top universities like MIT starts uploading course materials from their computer science programs online, that’s an opportunity you simply can’t pass up. Their OpenCourseWare program gives you access of progress where they teach programming from intro coding to high level topics as AI and machine learning.

Become a Web Wizard – Build Sites That Wow

Nowadays having web dev skills is straight-up career magic. With the power to craft pixel-perfect websites and apps from scratch, opportunities will be endless – whether you want to go freelance, join an agency, or bring your own online business vision to life.

The Odin Project Guide to Web Dev Glory

This open-source, self-paced curriculum is like having an experienced coding sensei leading you every step towards professional web developer mastery. The Odin Project covers the full stack, from HTML/CSS/JavaScript fundamentals to powerful frameworks like Ruby on Rails, using a hands-on, project-based approach backed by an awesome community of learners.

Codecademy Interactive Learning Playground

Codecademy’s fun, gamified lessons make picking up web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React an absolute joy. By incorporating code-writing exercises directly in the browser, their courses help you learn by actually building stuff not just reading. Best of all, much of Codecademy’s high-quality content is free.

Responsive Web Design by freeCodeCamp

In this free certification course, the homies at freeCodeCamp break down how to build mobile-friendly, accessible websites that look pristine on any screen size. Through guided projects, you’ll master HTML, CSS and the modern principles of responsive design to create polished, professional-grade websites thatImpress.

Graphic Design Mastery Classes

Our hyper-visual, social media saturated world, creative graphic design skills are indispensable. These are the talented artists awesome logos, stunning graphics, attractive marketing materials, and more. If you have got an design, these free courses will help upgrade your talents

Skillshare Ever-Growing Free Class Buffet

While Skillshare is mostly a paid learning platform, they always keep a selection of fresh, free courses available including a healthy serving of graphic design classes. From total basics for design greenhorns to specialized skills like logo creation or digital illustration, their free content is a designer’s treasure trove.

Canva Makes Design Fun & Intuitive

Canva wildly popular free design platform doubled down on accessible learning with Canva Design School. Through bite sized tutorials and creative prompts, you’ll quickly master whipping up professional looking social media graphics, marketing materials, and more using Canva simple drag-and-drop tools.

Adobe Free Learning Resources

When the king of creative design software wants to share knowledge for free, you take them up on it. Adobe Education Exchange gives access to tons of workshops, video tutorials, and learning guides for their apps like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign no subscription needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do these free courses compare to paid bootcamps or college?

A: While they lack the structure and expert guidance of paid programs, free online courses enable very cost-effective self-paced learning. Combined with dedication and supplemental resources, they’re a great starting point.

Q: Can I actually get hired with skills from free courses?

A: Absolutely, Many of these free curricula, like freeCodeCamp’s full-stack program, are specifically designed to train you up with job-ready coding, web dev, and design skills. projects and dedication are imp.

Q: What if I get stuck or need extra help while learning?

A: Most free course platforms have active student communities perfect for getting unstuck through forums or study groups. Low-cost tutoring services can provide personalized mentorship too.

Q: How long do these free courses take to complete?

A: Completion times vary based on your existing skills and dedication. Some courses are 4-6 weeks, while comprehensive programs like The Odin Project can take 6-12 months of steady work.

Q: Can I realistically learn multiple skills through free courses?

A: You bet, The rise of free education has made it totally possible to affordably cross-train across coding, design, web dev and so many more complementary skills.

Wrapping Up

The sheer number of free, high-quality online courses to level up your coding, web design, and graphic skills is truly awesome. Thanks to this democratization of knowledge and generosity of top experts, dreams of launching a tech career or creative side gig are now achievable on even the tightest budgets.

Of course, free courses come with compromises, you’ll need to supply more self-motivation without expert instructors or formal accountability. But if you can muster the dedication and supplement strategically with paid tools or tutoring, the payoff can be really great.

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