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Complete Guide To Building Your Gaming PC On A Budget

Are you planning to build your dream gaming pc? You are the right place for the guidance. You can save your money by assembling it rather than buying pre-build PC. With some planning and component research, you can assemble a capable DIY rig within a budget.

In this comprehensive guide we’ll covers tips ranging from setting a PC budget and choosing parts to assembly instructions. Follow these steps and you’ll enjoy an affordable, customized machine fine-tuned for gaming.

Determine Your Gaming PC Budget

The first step is deciding how much you can reasonably spend while still meeting your performance goals. When budgeting, consider –

Base Component Costs

Allot funds for vital parts – GPU, CPU, RAM, storage, etc. Check GPU/CPU benchmarks at wanted resolutions/frame rates to estimate costs.

  • Budget GPUs: RX 6600, RTX 3050
  • Budget CPUs: Ryzen 5 5600X, Core i5-12400F

Other Equipment

Factor in expenses for supporting gear like the case, power supply, motherboard, CPU cooler (if not bundled), keyboard, mouse and monitor. Often overlooked, but these facets impact user experience.

Operating System

Account for OS cost unless installing free Linux distro. Windows 10 licenses start around $100.

Taxes and Shipping

Don’t forget additional charges like sales tax and vendor shipping fees which can quickly add up.

  • Recommended Budget for 1080p Gaming Rigs – $800 to $1500

Select CPU and Motherboard

Choosing compatible CPU and motherboard pairs that fit your budget is critical.

CPU Considerations

The processor significantly influences gaming performance. Compare benchmarks of current-generation Intel Core and AMD Ryzen chips to find best value at wanted resolution and graphics settings.

  • AMD Ryzen 5600X – Superb 1080p gaming, moderate multi-threading.
  • Intel Core i5-12400F – Close behind 5600X for gaming, cheaper B660 motherboards.

While less important for gaming, processors with more cores/threads suit live streaming and content creation.

Motherboard Factors

Motherboard and CPU must share the same socket type and have bios support for the chip. For affordable options, target B550 boards for AMD Ryzen and B660 for Intel 12th-gen. Entry-level A520 or H610 chipsets can work too but have lesser connectivity.

Prioritize boards with decent VRMs/power phases to sufficiently deliver energy to components. Other handy gaming-centric features are plentiful USB ports, M.2 slots for fast SSDs, 2.5 Gbit ethernet, and WiFi 6.

Install RAM

RAM strongly governs gaming fluidity, background software juggling, and load times. 16GB (2x 8GB sticks) hits the optimal value spot for budget builds. Opt for fast DDR4-3200+ MHz kits with CL16 latency or lower. 8GB suffices for very tight budgets but undergoes more memory paging.

Select Graphics Card

The dedicated GPU plays a commanding role for gaming visuals, frames per second and resolutions.

1080p resolution is the gaming sweet spot for budget builders. Cards like the:

  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
  • AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT

Deliver smooth 60+ fps gameplay with high settings in AAA titles. Expect to spend around $400 to $500 for these last-gen flagship cards or $300 to $400 for lower RTX 3060 and RX 6650 XT models.

Alternatively, current-gen budget options like the RTX 3050 and RX 6600 retail between $250 to $300 with very solid 1080p capability and DX12/Vulkan support.

Search for objective video card game benchmarks from credible sources when selecting your model.

Pick a Case and Power Supply

The PC case and power supply provide the foundation and energy for components.

Cases come in many sizes and should fit the motherboard form factor – ATX, micro-ATX etc. Look for good ventilation and filtration, front panel ports and enough drive bays/expansion slots for your setup. Value-centric brands like Phanteks, Corsair, Cooler Master and Lian Li offer excellent bang for buck.

Invest in a 80+ Bronze or better power supply from reputable makes like SeaSonic, Corsair and EVGA. Size it 30-50% above system power draw estimated using online PSU calculators. This leaves headroom for future GPU upgrades. Modular cables help streamline building.

Add Storage Drives

For gaming and app installations, a 250GB to 500GB NVMe solid state drive (SSD) hits the sweet spot of affordability, capacity and speed. Models with 3,000+ MBps sequential reads offer snappy Windows boot and game launch times. SSDs lack mechanical platters, using less power while running silent.

Supplement with a 1TB or 2TB traditional hard disk for more capacious media and data storage if required. The 7200 RPM Barracuda Compute lineup from Seagate provides excellent value.

Get CPU Cooler and Case Fans

Aftermarket CPU coolers allow processors to sustain higher boost speeds. But AMD Ryzen and Intel 12th-gen chips come with competent stock coolers sufficient for gaming and moderate overclocking.

Purchase 1-3 extra 120mm case fans to augment case airflow and component cooling as needed. Position intake and exhaust fans effectively to generate directed wind tunnels past hot parts like the CPU and graphics card.

Assemble Using Online Resources

With all the components selected, it’s time for the fun part – assembling the PC! Rely on the wealth of reputable online tutorials. We’ve listed some handy visual step-by-step build guide references from experts like Linus Tech Tips and JayzTwoCents.

Follow along carefully and don’t force parts to avoid damage. Expect the process to take 2-3 hours for beginners. Don’t forget to:

  • Install front panel connectors properly
  • Securely plug in 4/8-pin CPU + 24-pin motherboard power
  • Slot RAM completely into marked dual channel slots
  • Firmly insert GPU into top PCIe x16 slot

Install Operating System and Drivers

Once POST confirms all hardware is detected properly, install Windows 10/11 or your preferred Linux distribution to the SSD paired with critical chipset, graphics, ethernet and audio drivers. Enable XMP/DOCP in BIOS to run RAM at advertised speeds.

Now download game launchers like Steam, GOG Galaxy and install your favorite titles! Enjoy buttery frames to fully relish your DIY gaming PC.

Maintaining Your Gaming Rig

Here are some quick tips to keep hardware humming for years through upgrades:

  • Periodically blow out dust using compressed air
  • Reapply thermal paste between CPU and cooler every 2 years
  • Keep drivers/OS updated, backup data externally
  • Monitor temperatures using HWInfo64
  • Upgrade GPU/RAM/storage as needed for modern games


So building your own battlestation PC tailored to your budget empowers playing the latest games your way and enables future upgrades. Equipped with this guide detailing component selection plus online assembly resources, confidently craft an affordable high FPS gaming machine all can envy.

What budget component combinations catch your eye for your next potential rig? What build advice would you add for first-timers? Let’s discuss in the comments section.

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